A family of four standing behind a wooden fence.
We Start With The Three Pillars of Wellness

We Start With The Three Pillars of Wellness

Wellness Cove has wellness activity books for ages 5-9. We simply want to teach kids how to take better care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Many of our health problems are related to lifestyle issues and are preventable. The best time for kids to learn wellness is now! In our Activity Books, we start by covering nutrition, exercise, and stress management.


First, we have to make some real changes in what we eat. The food industry has made processed food convenient and inexpensive. But we pay a price in the long run if we fall into their trap. Our activity books focus on eating real food, not processed food, eating a plant-based diet, and eating mindfully. As Michael Pollan says, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." To do this, families need to start cooking again.

A girl eating pizza at a table with two boxes of pizza.
A family is preparing food together in the kitchen.
A boy laying on the couch with his arm resting on his chest.
A group of kids playing tug-o-war with ropes.


Next, our children have become more sedentary. Kids are glued to their video games, phones, and TVs. Our activity books encourage kids to get outside and enjoy our beautiful planet. Only then will they want to take care of it. We teach kids the importance of moving, building strength, balance, and flexibility. When you care for yourself physically, you can get outside, do fun activities, and enjoy Mother Earth.

Stress and Mental Health:

Concerning mental health, we emphasize the importance of having downtime each day. We teach kids how to meditate and quiet their minds. Our activity books also focus on the importance of family and friends. Kids need to have friends to talk with. The importance of these social connections is immeasurable. Mental health also means getting the most out of our amazing brains. It should be fun to learn. If we can teach kids to love learning, school will be much easier, and we will also be setting them up for success in life. 

A young boy sitting on the ground with his head down.
Three children sitting on a bench in the park.
A cartoon of a man riding a bike on the road
A cartoon of two men standing in front of a juice truck.
A woman sitting on the beach holding a turtle.
A couple of people on a scooter with trees in the background

Now, The Fun Stuff. What Makes Our Brand Of Wellness Different? We make wellness a fun and engaging adventure.

In our activity books, students become part of the Wellness Crew, travel around the tropical islands in the Trade Wind Keys, meet new and enjoyable friends, and learn the seven secrets to living a happy and healthy life. The characters that your child will meet are very different, but they combine their various strengths, work together, and solve problems that will make this world better. Wellness Cove is where your child will become a part of this daring adventure, never afraid to travel to the next island and the challenges it will bring. 

We Encourage Parental Involvement

Students can certainly do the activity books on their own. However, we encourage parents and grandparents to do the activity books with their children and grandchildren. Quality time with family is critical in these confusing times. Communication builds trust. We teach kids to listen to their parents, and we teach parents to listen to their kids. In addition, all of the principles we teach the students apply to adults also. We could all stand to take better care of ourselves mentally and physically. Teaching others is the best way to learn ourselves. 

A man and girl sitting at the table talking.
A man and child walking down the road
A flock of blue and yellow fish swimming in the ocean.

We Teach Kids To Appreciate Our Beautiful Planet. 

God created this beautiful planet for our pleasure. However, He also entrusted us to take care of it. Adults have not done a good job of this. We encourage kids to put down their electronics, get outside, and appreciate this spectacular planet and all its people and creatures. Only then will kids want to take care of it. During their adventures, the Wellness Crew motivates themselves and others to take better care of Mother Earth. Kids set the example for adults! 

Most Importantly, We Teach Kids That God Created Them Just As They Are, Loves Them, And Has A Plan For Them

Children can eat well, exercise, and meditate, but if they don't believe that a loving God looks after them and has a plan for them, it is hard to truly be happy and healthy. Now, more than ever, children need to know this so we are not afraid to say it. 

A little girl sitting on the steps holding a book.

We Teach Kids So Much More

  • At Wellness Cove, we believe that there is more to wellness than nutrition, exercise, and stress management. In addition to the above, we teach them to love themselves just as they are.
  • Likewise, we teach kids to love others unconditionally.
  • We teach kids to use their talents to help others. This is the antidote to a culture of meism.
  • We teach kids to be grateful, focus on all that is good, and love their life.
  • We emphasize the importance of family. No family is perfect, but your family will always be there for you.
  • We emphasize the importance of friends. It is essential to feel like you belong. It is equally important to help other kids, who might feel isolated, feel like they belong.

Most Of What We Teach Can Be Summed Up In Our 7 Guiding Principles.

Our 7 Guiding Principles:

  • Love yourself and love others just as they are.
  • Enjoy this amazing planet
  • Chill every day
  • It's fun to learn and cool to be smart
  • Fuel your body with the nutrients that it needs
  • Treasure your family
  • Use your talents to help others and help the planet.
A group of people jumping in the air on top of a beach.


We know you are busy, so why should you take the time to teach our program?

First, our healthcare system is failing us and our children. In the US, we focus on treating disease once it occurs, rather than preventing it. For example, we have an epidemic of childhood obesity, yet nothing is being done to prevent this. Our children live off of processed food. They are glued to their electronics and are missing out on our beautiful planet. Our children's mental health is a bigger problem. Many children are stressed and confused. The incidence of suicide in children has increased significantly. We must make changes. There is too much at stake to ignore this any longer.

Second, some crazy things are being taught in our schools. Some schools seem more focused on teaching young kids about sex than teaching them to grow up happy and healthy. Parents must take responsibility for what their kids are learning. Nothing is more important than giving them the skills to grow up physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. If this is not taught at school, teach it at home.

Third, our society has become more secular. Many are trying to take God out of our culture. We did not take God out of our activity books. Our activity books are not overly religious, but we acknowledge that a loving God has a plan for us. We want kids to know that God created and loves them just as they are.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our mission. We hope that you will become an example for others and lead the wellness revolution that this country needs. Godspeed.Â